Education Minister visits the Academy

Miss Michelle McIlveen, Minister for Education, visited the Academy on Monday afternoon to meet with the Senior Prefects and the Senior Leadership Team of the School.  The Minister wished the pupils every success in their forthcoming examinations and congratulated them on their resilience throughout the pandemic.  The Head Girl and Head Boy (2022/23) – Pippa Wilson and Matthew McKee – and their Deputies, thanked the Minister for coming to their school and for taking the time to speak directly with them about their futures.

Mr McLoughlin and the Senior Leadership Team chatted to the Minister about the challenges during Covid and how the pupils, their colleagues and the entire community, had moved forward together to ensure the young people in their care continued to receive the best possible education.  The Minister praised the Principal, the Governors and his colleagues, both teaching and non-teaching, for all of their efforts and wished the entire Banbridge Academy community every success in the future.


Front row L-R: Pippa Wilson (Head Girl), Miss Michelle McIlveen MLA, Minister for Education, Mr R S McLoughlin (Principal), Matthew McKee (Head Boy)
Working back from there are: Deputy Head Boys – Peter McGrath, Simon Ferris, Josh Glover and Deputy Head Girls – Ellie Lindsay, Lara Crothers, Kiera McQuaid


Mr D McFarland (Academic Vice Principal), Mr Robin McLoughlin (Principal), Miss Michelle McIlveen MLA, Minister for Education, Mrs Heather Evans (Pastoral Vice Principal)