
Pastoral Care Arrangements

For the purposes of the Pastoral System, each Year Group is divided into 8 Form Classes; each Form Class is in the care of a Form Teacher and the work of the Form Teachers is co-ordinated by Year Heads.

The Pastoral System is under the supervision of a Vice Principal.

Each Form Class meets its Form Teacher in the morning for registration and to deal with any problems that might arise. The Form Teacher interviews each pupil in his/her Form Class after each set of examinations, encourages participation in the extra- curricular programme and generally counsels his/her pupils on work, personal and social development and discipline.

The school has developed a system of Progress Files to which the pupil makes a substantial contribution.

In the event of individual problems, parents should initially contact the Form Teacher or Year Head and, if necessary, the Vice-Principal or the Principal.

Child Protection Policy & Procedures

Banbridge Academy acknowledges its pastoral responsibility towards its pupils and recognises that its pupils have a fundamental right to be protected from harm. The school seeks to provide a safe, pleasant and regulated environment and to assist each child to reach personal fulfilment and happiness.

Our Child Protection Policy is reviewed annually. Statements of our Policies and Procedures, including Procedures for Handling Complaints, are available on the school website.

In the first instance, parents who have concerns or a specific complaint about their (or another) child should speak directly to the Principal, Mr McLoughlin, or to the designated teacher,
Mrs Evans.

The diagram below is an attempt to explain how the school works. The school exists to help educate and to look after the pupil – therefore he/she is at the centre of the diagram.
