Young Enterprise

Magazine Articles
Banbridge Academy Magazine 2019-2020: Young Enterprise Article
Banbridge Academy Magazine 2020-2021: Young Enterprise Article
Banbridge Academy Magazine 2021-2022: Young Enterprise Article
Company Programme
At Banbridge Academy the students have achieved phenomenal success throughout the years by being fully involved in the Company Programme.
Highlights include reaching the UK Finals in London three times.
However, the main benefit is the range of invaluable skills the students acquire through running their own company. These cannot be taught in the classroom.
The Young Enterprise Company Programme gives students the opportunity to start their own business and get real-world experience of work. In partnership with a volunteer business adviser young people have the opportunity to explore the world of entrepreneurship while growing their own skills, confidence and aspirations through a hands-on programme.
- The programme is open to Year 13 students.
- Board meetings are held each Monday from 3.30pm – 4.30pm. The Business Advisor and Miss Elliott are present to offer advice and assistance.
- Additional company meetings can be held during the week as and when needed – this is decided by the Company Managing Director.
Key Features:
- A dedicated website called to help students manage their company
- Comprehensive support materials and training
- Public liability insurance and legal structure provided by Young Enterprise
- Supports a range of qualifications and university entrance
- Participate in trade fairs and sell to the public
- Take part in local competitions with the opportunity to compete at regional and national level
- On completing the programme students can join the UK wide Alumni network
- learners can use their Young Enterprise Company Programme experience to complete an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). This is a level 3 qualification attracting up to 28 UCAS points
- Opportunity to gain an Ulster University endorsed exam
Try the ultimate business challenge out for size
Under the Company Programme students find out what it’s really like to set up and run a business.
Delivered across an academic year, young people make all the decisions about their company, from raising the initial share capital, through to designing their product or service, to selling directly to customers and ultimately winding up the company and dividing up the profit. All this takes place with the support of a Business Adviser who brings a wealth of business knowledge and expertise to the team.
Students can also choose to set up their business as a social enterprise, which focuses on addressing a social need rather than maximising profit.
The Company Programme culminates in the UK London Final which involves 14 teams battling it out to be crowned UK Company of the Year and to go on to the JA-YE European Final.
- September – December:
- Students set up and plan their business, appoint key roles, create a product, raise capital and promote their product to the public.
- January – February:
- Company sells their product to the public at trade fairs organised by Young Enterprise, while continuing to perfect their product, marketing and sales plans. Companies have the chance to compete against local schools in area and county finals.
- March – April:
- Company continue to run their business. Towards the end of term, teams begin the closure of their business which includes deciding what to do with any profit. Successful companies at area/ county level progress to regional finals, the UK final and the European final.
Note: companies can provide a service instead of a product if they wish.
To find out more click on the link