Academy’s “VisionAI” progress to the App Design Final

On Thursday 13th June Banbridge Academy’s  Year 9 App Design Team; Maeve Always, Isabella Donnelly, Joseph Brown and Elijah Heanan  – ventured to the PwC office in Belfast to take part in the Sentinus Digital Futures App Design Semi-Final.  The team, VisionAI, were one of 13 teams who presented their app concept to a panel of industry experts and showcased their prototype live at the event.  After fielding a range of questions about the design process, their individual roles in development and the wider commercial & social impact of their app, VisionAI were delighted to be selected as one of the top 6 teams and will now progress to the final in September.


Our congratulations go to Isabella, Maeve, Elijah and Joseph for their hard work in designing, developing and presenting their app concept.  The team attended a workshop hosted by David Pilkington from Sentinus in May and have been working together since then to bring their vision together into a working prototype.  We wish VisionAI every success as they now prepare for the final – where they will present their app in front of a panel of experts and a live audience.