Aims And Vision
Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behaviour and our aim is to equip pupils with the knowledge and research skills to not only carry out their own psychological research but also understand the importance of scientific integrity in evaluation of psychological literature and key research studies.
Addressing many current topics the subject is delivered in an unbiased and factual manner and every effort is made to encourage pupils to formulate their own perceptions and interpretations based on current psychological evidence. A safe learning environment is provided where they can apply this knowledge debating issues such as the extent to which we have free will or that our behaviour is determined and the influences of nature and nurture on our development and behaviour.
The emphasis on application, rather than purely acquisition, of knowledge enhances pupil’s transferable skills of critical thinking, analysis and evidence based evaluation. We aim to contribute to the pupil’s understanding of moral, ethical, social, intellectual and cultural issues by providing a challenging and rewarding experience that encourages independent thought, the ability to integrate new knowledge with other areas of study and achieve academic excellence.
Magazine Article
Banbridge Academy Magazine 2021-2022: Psychology Article
Banbridge Academy Magazine 2022-2023: Psychology Article
Banbridge Academy Magazine 2023-2024: Psychology Article
AS Level
Paper 1: Introductory Topics in Psychology
- Social Influence: conformity, obedience, independent behaviour, social roles and change.
- Memory: models of memory, forgetting and eyewitness testimony.
- Attachment: attachment formation and types and the influence on adult relationships.
Exam: 1hr 30 min 50% of AS
Paper 2: Psychology in Context
- Approaches in Psychology with Biopsychology: behaviourist, cognitive and biological approach, the nervous and endocrine systems.
- Psychopathology: definitions of abnormality, approaches and therapies for phobias, depression and OCD.
- Research methods: scientific processes, methods, data handling and analysis.
Exam: 1hour 30 min 50% of AS
AS marks do not count towards the A level qualification
A Level
Paper1: Introductory Topics in Psychology
- Social Influence: conformity, obedience, independent behaviour, social roles and change.
- Memory: models of memory, forgetting and eyewitness testimony.
- Attachment: attachment formation and types and the influence on adult relationships.
- Psychopathology: definitions of abnormality, approaches and therapies for phobias, depression and OCD.
Exam: 2 hr 33.3% of A level
Paper 2: Psychology in Context
- Approaches in Psychology Biopsychology: behaviourist, cognitive, biological, psychodynamic and humanistic approaches.
- Biopsychology: the nervous and endocrine systems, localisation of brain function and biological rhythms.
- Research methods: scientific processes, methods, data handling and analysis, inferential statistics.
Exam: 2 hr 33.3% of A level
Paper 3: Issues and Options in Psychology
- Issues and debates: e. Gender and cultural bias, nature-nurture debate, free will and determinism.
- Topics: One question from each section
- Relationships/Gender/Cognition & Development
- Schizophrenia/Eating behaviour/Stress
- Aggression/Forensic Psychology/Addiction
Exam: 2 hours 33.3% of A Level
BA Psychology success at the British Psychological Society A Level Research Competition and the APT AS Student Conference: