
Aims And Vision

Science helps us to explain and understand the physical world around us by exploring, investigating and experimenting.

The science department within Banbridge Academy is pupil centred and promotes a culture of high expectation, high achievement and improvement, always aiming to stretch, challenge and inspire pupils by helping pupils to develop their scientific skills so that they can think scientifically, solve problems and evaluate their understanding.

Our aims are:

  • Understanding of key concepts to help solve problems in unfamiliar situations
  • Using scientific methods of investigation to solve problems in a disciplined way
  • Appreciating the contribution STEM makes to society and realise that applying science can lead to moral and ethical issues having to be addressed
  • Understanding that learning in science contributes to personal development because the interest and curiosity shown need to be balanced by an awareness of health and safety matters and respect for living things and the environment
  • Appreciating the powerful, but provisional nature of scientific knowledge and explanation and understanding that science is always developing
  • Giving students access to careers in science and technology at a variety of levels

Magazine Articles

Banbridge Academy Magazine 2021-2022: Science

Banbridge Academy Magazine 2022-2023: Science Article

Banbridge Academy Magazine 2023-2024: Science Article


In Years 8 and 9 pupils are taught a combined science course with a single science teacher.

Year 8

Introduction to Science

Kinetic Theory of Matter


Life, cells and the microscope

Energy and Energy Resources

Animal Reproduction

Separating Techniques

Year 9

Photosynthesis and plant reproduction

Elements, compounds, mixtures and acids and alkalis


Digestion and nutrition

Heat flow


Earth and Space

Air and other gases

In Year 10 pupils are taught Biology, Chemistry and Physics by a specialist teacher.