BA Wellbeing Ambassador Peer Support

The Banbridge Academy Wellbeing Ambassadors are a group of Year 14 pupils who provide emotional health and wellbeing support to the school community. On a day to day basis they support their peers every breaktime in The Quiet Room by providing a peer mentoring service, they lead AntiBullying assemblies, and attend antibullying courses and emotional and health and wellbeing courses training courses, including completing The Link Life Suicide Prevention Training facilitated by the EA Youth Service. Additionally, they have conducted a piece of action research to establish the current wellbeing needs of the pupils in order to facilitate the school to provide informed practice to address these needs. They did this by designing an online survey to provide an insight on pupils’ perception of their own mental health, their awareness of support services and how they felt school could help them in maintaining good emotional health and wellbeing. The pupils responses to this survey have ben used to inform Form Time resources, Assembly content, the PD curriculum and some of our online support resources under pupil support area.