Technology And Design

Aims And Vision

Technology and Design is a subject which lies within the Science and Technology Learning Area in the Northern Ireland Curriculum. It is primarily a practical subject, where the key activity is designing. It places a high value on the application of scientific and other knowledge to the solving of practical problems arising from perceived human needs and opportunities.

The Technology and Design department has established a number of aims. These aims focus on Technological Capability:

  • To develop Technology and Design capability commensurate with each pupil’s ability.
  • To foster awareness, understanding and expertise in those areas of creative thinking which can be expressed and developed through investigation and research, planning, designing, making and evaluating.
  • To encourage the acquisition of knowledge applicable to solving practical/technological problems.
  • To stimulate the development of a range of communication skills which are central to the Design process.
  • To supplement numeracy skills through the Design process.
  • To stimulate the development of a range of manufacturing skills including CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)
  • To stimulate the development of a range of ICT skills including CAD (Computer Aided Design).
  • To encourage pupils to relate their work, which should demand active and experimental learning based upon design and making in a practical context, to their personal abilities and interests.
  • To foster attitudes of co-operation and social responsibility, understand the impact of technology on the environment, and to develop capabilities that enhance the quality of that environment.
  • To promote the development of curiosity, enquiry, initiative, ingenuity, resourcefulness and discrimination.

Key Stage 3

In Years 8, 9 and 10 our pupils have 2 timetabled periods per week of Technology and Design classes. Within these classes pupils learn a variety of relevant skills that will equip them for life in a technological society. Class and homework is based around projects or design tasks. As pupils work through these projects they acquire new skills and knowledge.

Magazine Articles

Banbridge Academy Magazine 2019-2020: Technology and Design Article

Banbridge Academy Magazine 2022-2023: Technology Article

Banbridge Academy Magazine 2023-2024: Technology Article


Technology and Design provides an opportunity to design and make a real product. It allows you to create something to solve a problem that you have identified. As part of the course you will study the areas of designing, communicating, manufacturing, electronics, mechanical systems and pneumatics. You will learn how these technological developments have influenced the way that we live and work.

Why study Technology & Design at GCSE?
If you have a desire to solve problems using your imagination and creativity and you possess a natural curiosity about how things work. If you enjoy Physics and Mathematics at KS3 and you have a flair for sketching and communicating ideas. If you want to learn new practical skills then you will enjoy Technology and Design.

AS/A2 Level

This course offers pupils opportunities to acquire knowledge and understanding of the world of product and systems design with an emphasis on electronics. As part of the course pupils must demonstrate their own technological capability through project based design and manufacture of an electronic system. Use of ICT is central to the course and students will have opportunities to use a range of software tools.

Pupils will complete 2 units at AS level and 2 units at A2

Units 2, and 4 take the form of a design project. At AS level the emphasis is on the analysis and development of an existing product with a view to redesigning either the product or an aspect of it. At A2 level the student must solve a technological problem by presenting a working product with a comprehensive folio. It is important that pupils are able to work to deadlines.

AS Technology Projects

A2 Technology Projects